Lorain County Job & Family Services

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This area is comprised of the Data Entry Unit, Bookkeeping, and the Payment Accuracy Unit. The Data Entry Unit enters all administrative orders, as well as all court orders for child support or spousal support, modifications, and journal entries with other changes. The Payment Accuracy unit contains Auditors who review and prepare audits of cases using payment histories and disbursement activity to ensure accuracy. Although all child support and spousal support payments are entered and disbursed by Child Support Payment Central in Columbus, the county is responsible to make adjustments and corrections to posted payments for child support, spousal support, birth expenses, legal fees, and other ordered payments payable through the CSEA. The CSEA also accepts payments from obligors who personally appear at our Payment Office.


Receiving Payments: 

Effective October 1, 2005, Ohio implemented a law (HB66) requiring a mandatory electronic disbursement program for support payments providing you a faster, simpler, safer way to receive your support payments.
There are two ways to receive your payments electronically.
Direct Deposit:  With direct deposit, your support payments are deposited directly to your account at your financial institution. Your payment should be deposited into your bank account within three (3) business days of the date your payment was posted to your case. The statement you receive from your financial institution will provide you with a record of your deposit. Always remember to make sure your payment has been deposited into your account before accessing the funds.
Platinum smiONE™ Visa ® Prepaid Card: The Ohio Child Support debit card program offers the Platinum simONE Visa Prepaid Card to receive and use your support payments. Support payments are credited to your smiONE card within one (1) business day of the date your payments are posted to your case. You do not need a bank account to enroll.
Federal regulations prohibit the Office of Child Support from sending support payments to private collection agencies.
This change does not stop you from hiring or signing a contract with a private collection agency if you want to use their services to help collect child support. It just changes where we send letters and payments.
It also does not end any agreement that you made with a private collection agency in the past. You are still responsible for whatever you agreed to do. You should review that agreement to figure out what you will have to do because of this change.
If you want to change how you receive payments, payments can be deposited directly into your financial account or to a prepaid debit card. You can apply for either program online at Ohio Child Support Payment Central (CSPC).


To report a lost or stolen smiONE card, you can call smiONE customer service at (855) 403-8349.