Lorain County Job & Family Services

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Modification Review:

Once every 36 months, or when a substantial change in circumstances has occurred, either party may request a modification of the order. The CSEA Modification unit is responsible for obtaining income and health insurance information from both parties, determining the new order based on state guidelines, offering administrative hearings for those parties who do not agree with the new findings, and submitting the modification recommendation to a court or other authority for adoption of the recommendation in an order.

The Adjustment and Review (modification) process is the method by which the child support order is reviewed to reflect the current financial situation of both parties.

"review" means a caseworker checks the income and information of both parties to decide if support obligations should be changed.

An "adjustment" means changing the amount of child support based on Ohio guidelines or making changes to support owed.

Step One: Determine if you're eligible for a review and adjustment.

  • If it has been 36 months since your child support order was established or changed, you are entitled to an administrative review. Go to Step Two.
  • If it has been less than 36 months, you might still qualify for an administrative review if there are specific changes in your situation. The JFS 01849, Request for an Administrative Review of the Child Support Order will help you see if your circumstances qualify. Use it to check your eligibility.

Step Two: Fill out the form.

*Please note that if you are required to provide evidence and you do not, the CSEA may deny your request for an administrative review.

Any questions, please call 440-284-4401 option #5.