Lorain County Job & Family Services

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Cash, SNAP, and Medical Assistance

Income Maintenance Workers at LCDJFS determine eligibility for several public assistance programs:

  • Cash Assistance (OWF)

  • SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
  • Medicaid, including Nursing Home and Waiver programs
  • Medicare Premium Assistance Programs
  • Healthcheck and Pregnancy-Related Services

In addition to determining eligibility for public assistance programs, the Income Maintenance department also assists the community with the following services:

  • Access to charities and community resources through the Information & Referral (I&R) department
  • Investigation of reported public assistance fraud
  • Access to publicly and privately-funded Prescription Assistance programs
  • Transportation assistance to and from medical appointments

 Applicants and recipients of public assistance programs have the following responsibilities:

  • Completing scheduled interviews
  • Reporting certain household changes, such as changes in income and residence
  • Providing the income, resource/asset, housing, and other verifications needed to make a determination of benefit eligibility based on State and Federal regulations
  • You must include your full name, case number or social security number on documents returned to the agency via postal mail, drop box, emailed, or faxed.