Lorain County Job & Family Services

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What is SNAP?

  • SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) helps low-income adults and families stretch their monthly food budgets and buy healthy food
  • SNAP is not designed to feed an adult or family for an entire month.  It is designed to supplement the money adults and families already spend on food
  • Benefits are issued electronically each month through an Ohio Direction Card, which is used like a debit card

What can I buy with the Ohio Direction Card?

  • Most food products

What can I not buy with the Ohio Direction Card?

  • Prepared food from restaurants and grocery stores
  • Non-food items such as soap, paper products, and cleaning supplies
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • VItamins and medicines
  • Pet food

Who is eligible for SNAP?

  • Adults, families, and children are potentially eligible for SNAP if the income, residence, and citizenship requirements are met
  • To check your potential eligibility for SNAP, visit the ODJFS Benefits website at 

What are the income and eligibility guldelines?

  • Eligibility is based on gross monthly income
  • Generally, adults and families with gross monthly incomes under 130% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) are eligible to receive some sort of SNAP
  • Monthly benefits are determined by comparing an adult or family's gross monthly income to their child care expenses, child support payments, and housing/utility costs
  • In certain instances, a medical expense deduction from gross monthly income can be applied to assistance groups with elderly and/or disabled individuals

Assistance Group Size

130% FPL Gross Monthly Income Standard

























Do I have to participate in SNAP Employment and Training Program to receive SNAP?

  • Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDS) who do not meet a program exemption must either be employed 20 hours per week or participate in the SNAP Employment and Training Program through LCDJFS in order to receive SNAP. 

How do I apply for SNAP?

  • Click here for more information

For more information on the SNAP program, please visit the following sites: 

Skimming Replacement Expired: 

The Federal Government did not reauthorize the program that provided replacement benefits to SNAP recipients victimized by fraud such as skimming. If your SNAP EBT card was skimmed on or after 12/21/2024 you do not qualify for a replacement. 

You can protect your benefits by clicking  You can change your PIN, unlock, lock, and order a new card from this secure app.