Lorain County Job & Family Services

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What is MBIWD?

  • Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities, or MBIWD, is an Ohio Medicaid program that provides health care coverage to working Ohioans with disabilities.

Who is eligible for MBIWD?

The following criteria must be met for the individual applying:

  • U.S. Citizen or qualified alien
  • Ohio resident
  • Ages 16-64 years old
  • Be disabled as per the Social Security Administration or as determined by Ohio Medicaid or eligible under the MBIWD medically improved category
  • Be employed in paid work (includes part-time and full-time work)

What are the financial and non-financial eligibility requirements?

  • Own resources (assets such as a vehicle, bank accounts, and property) valuing less than $12,175
  • Annual income of the individual must be less than or equal to 250% of the Federal Poverty Level (in 2018, $30,360 per year or $2,530 per month)

Does MBIWD have a monthly premium?

  • You may have a monthly premium if your annual gross income exceeds 150% of the Federal Poverty Level (in 2023, $21,876 per year or $1823 per month)
  • Premiums are based on income, family size, and certain deductions such as health insurance premiums
  • If subject to a premium, you will receive a monthly statement requesting payment of the premium
  • Failure to pay the premium for two consecutive months results in termination of MBIWD; eligibility can only be regained by paying all back premiums due as well as by meeting all other eligibility requirements of the program

For further information, please visit the following links: