What is the MPAP?
- MPAP stands for Medicare Premium Assistance Programs
- These programs help pay Medicare-related costs such as monthly premiums
- There are three different MPAP's in the State of Ohio
- MPAP's are commonly referred to as "State Buy-In"
Who is eligible for MPAP?
- Medicare recipients of all ages
- Certain income and resource (assets such as bank accounts, vehicles, or property) requirements must be met
- All MPAP recipients must be Ohio residents
What are the different types of MPAP's, and what are the income guidelines for each program?
- The three different MPAP's are QMB, SLMB, and QI-1
- For all programs, income limits are based on gross monthly income (i.e., income amount before monthly Medicare premium is paid) of the Medicare recipient and spouse (if living in the home). The income of a child or children under age 18 in the home is exempt
QMB (Qualified Medicare Beneficiary)
- QMB covers Medicare Part A & B premiums as well as Medicare deductibles, co-insurance, and co-payments
- The income guidelines for 2025 are:
Assistance Group Size |
Gross Monthly Income Standard |
1 |
$1,255 |
2 |
$1,704 |
3 |
$2,152 |
4 |
$2,600 |
5 |
$3,049 |
6 |
$3,497 |
7 |
$3,945 |
8 |
$4,394 |
SLMB (Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary)
- SLMB pays a Medicare recipient's Part B premium only
- The income guidelines for 2023 are:
Assistance Group Size |
Gross Monthly Income Standard |
1 |
$1,506 |
2 |
$2,044 |
3 |
$2,582 |
4 |
$3,120 |
5 |
$3,658 |
6 |
$4,196 |
7 |
$4,734 |
8 |
$5,272 |
QI-1 (Qualifying Individual)
- QI-1 pays the Medicare Part B premium only
- If you qualify for Medicaid, you can not receive QI-1
- The income guidelines for 2023 are:
Assistance Group Size |
Gross Monthly Income Standard |
1 |
$1,529 |
2 |
$2,060 |
3 |
$2,591 |
4 |
$3,122 |
5 |
$3,653 |
6 |
$4,184 |
7 |
$4,715 |
8 |
$5,246 |
What are the resource limits for each program?
The resource limits for all MPAP's is the same:
- A single individual cannot own more than $7,970 of countable resources
- A married couple cannot own more than $11,960 of countable resources
- The home an individual/couple resides in, one vehicle used for transportation, one burial plot per person, and irrevocable burial contracts are exempt resources
- Examples of countable resources are: bank accounts, cash values of life insurance policies, values of annuities, values of revocable burial contracts, value of property other than the principal residence, value of vehicles other than one used for transportation
How do I apply?
- Print the ODM 7216 Application for Health Coverage & Help Paying Costs and submit to LCJFS
- Click here for a list of other ways to apply
For more information, please refer to the following:
- website
- Ohio Department of Medicaid
- Medicaid Consumer Hotline at 1-800-324-8680