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Nursing Home and Long-Term Care (LTC)


Who is eligible for Nursing Home and LTC services through Medicaid? 

  • Individuals whose disabilities or medically unstable conditions cannot be cared for at home or in an assisted living setting.  This is called a "Level of Care"
  • Individuals with developmental disabilities can receive services through an Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (ICF-IDD)
  • Individuals must meet the income, resource (asset), disability, and citizenship requirements of Medicaid to be eligible

What are the resource (asset) requirements?

  • For a single individual, the resource limit is $2,000
  • For a married couple, a "resource assessment" is completed.  This determines how much of a couple's resources are protected for the spouse not applying for Nursing Home or LTC services
  • For all applicants, a five-year review of resources (starting with the date nursing home or LTC services begin) is completed.  Case workers determine if any "improper transfer of resources" have occurred.  If they have, the individual may still be eligible for Medicaid but would be subject to a penalty period.  During the penalty period, Medicaid would not pay for the individual's Nursing Home or LTC services

What are the income regulations?

  • All income of the person applying and their spouse must be verified
  • A "Monthly Income Allowance" (MIA) is determined.  This is the income the applicant's spouse and their dependents can keep to use for self-support
  • A "Personal Needs Allowance" (PNA) of $50 is given to the spouse receiving Nursing Home or LTC services
  • All other income goes directly to the Nursing Home or LTC Facility.  This amount is called "patient liability"

How do I apply for this program?

For more information, please visit the following websites: