Lorain County Job & Family Services

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Call Center: 

Please note, some call center prompts/options have changed.  You can view the reference guide by clicking Call Center (

  • Phone hours to apply or renew benefits WITHOUT a scheduled appointment are 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
  • Phone hours to apply or renew benefits WITH a scheduled appointment are between 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Lobby hours to drop off verifications or pick up forms are between 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 
  • Higher than normal call volumes may be experienced on Mondays and any day after a federal holiday. 
  • To avoid the long wait, when given the option for a call back, please take advantage of it.  You will be called back when it is your turn.  When calling at the end of the day, the call back may carry over to the next morning starting at 8:00 a.m. 

***Hours for the call center are Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (844-640-6446).

Case Profile Printouts: 

The front desk can no longer provide case profile printouts for WIC, HEAP, Community Action, and/or Section-8/LMHA.

In order to obtain a case profile, you must set up online access to your account by following the directions below.   

  • Set up online access to your case through the Self Service Portal.
  • On the "Home" screen, select the "Review Benefits" tab.  Print this page.  It shows your current and future benefit issuance history.
  • On the "Review Benefits" screen, select "Click Here For History" for each individual benefit to get up to 12 months of benefit issuance history.
  • Return to the "Home' screen and select the "Review Case Information" tab.  This page lists the people on your case, their dates of birth, and the benefits your household receives.  Print this page.
  • On the "Report a Change" tab, indicate whether or not you would like to register to vote and submit your answer.  Then, select the appropriate computer option from the drop-down box and hit the submit button.  This takes you to a "Case Summary" page.  Print this page.

 Submitting Verifications:  




New Program Information:  








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Drop Boxes

Drop boxes are available 24/7 for verification drop off. There is one drop box outside of Job & Family Services entrance to the main lobby facing the parking lot for easier access. Please use this box when dropping off SNAP/TANF and Medicaid verifications (dark grey).


There is also a drop box outside the Child Support Enforcement Agency by the lobby door. Please use this box for All CSEA related documents. (light grey).


State Hearings SHARE Portal: 

The Bureau of State Hearings has redesigned and deployed the SHARE (STATE Hearings Access to Records Electronically) Portal.  Clients are able to log in to the SHARE site using their Ohio Benefis Self-Service Portal login and password.  The Portal will provide access for appellants and authorized representatives to review state hearing records, request a hearing, upload a document, request a reschedule, or withdraw a hearing.  To access the Portal, please click here.  To watch a video on how to use the Portal, please click here.  

LCCAA HEAP Updates:  Utility help through LCCAA HEAP.  New satellite offices are being opened up throughout Lorain County.  Check the following link for locations, dates, and times: LCCA

EBT Card Issuance:  If you have had an EBT card in the past, you will not receive a new one when new benefits are authorized. You will need to call for a replacement if you no longer have the card. For the Ohio Direction card hotline for SNAP benefits, call 1-866-386-3071. For the Ohio EPPICard hotline for Cash Assistance benefits, call 1-866-320-8822.

Online Voter Registration: 

Ohio residents are now able to register to vote online! The Secretary of State's Online Voter Registration (OLVR) system allows an applicant to securely and efficiently submit a voter registration application online to the Secretary of State's Office. In order to use OLVR, an applicant must have a valid Ohio driver's license or state identification card. The following information will be requested to complete the online voter registration and must match the applicant's BMV information:

  • Applicant's name

  • Address

  • Date of Birth

  • Last four digits of applicant's Social Security number

  • Ohio driver's license or state identification number

  • Consent for the Ohio Secretary of State's Office to obtain applicant's signature

Simply click on this link to register. 


2025 Holidays / Agency Closed Dates

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

               January 20

Presidents' Day

February 17

Memorial Day

May 26

Juneteenth observed

June 19

Independence Day

July 4

Labor Day

September 1

Indigenous Peoples Day

October 13

Veterans Day

November 11


November 27th and 28th

Christmas Eve and Christmas observed

New Year's Eve 

December 24 & 25

December 31st 







Lorain County Job & Family Services